And Awayyy We Go!

Jamie's New FriendSO IT BEGINS. I’m here at UAMC for day -1 of my autologous stem cell transplant.

Today I received my dose of melphalan, the chemo drug that essentially erases my immune system and most remaining cancer cells by attacking all fast-dividing cells.  There will be some side effects, but nothing I can’t handle.

I have a new friend — an I.V. tower on wheels that is connected to my CVC catheter at all times. Mostly it is used to keep me hydrated, so there’s a bag of saline hanging all the time. It was also used to deliver the chemo dose. So far I feel OK with just a brief bout of nausea. After a couple of pills to counter that, I’m doing fine and even had an appetite for supper.

There has been a procession of visitors to my room besides Val. These include various nurses, technical nurses, physicians, med students and physical therapists.  All have many questions related to their respective roles in my care.

I am taken by the sheer number of highly-skilled and highly-dedicated people focusing so hard on my care. Each one has to be precise and accurate.

It’s … humbling.

NEXT: Zero Day

© Copyright 2014 James Tenser

7 thoughts on “And Awayyy We Go!

  1. You tell those “highly-skilled and highly-dedicated people” to take good care of you, please. We’re thinking of you constantly and so appreciate your keeping us informed. Dottie and Joe

  2. The love from your family and friends along with your positive attitude will get you through it…

    I really appreciate these updates, cuz.

  3. I am picking today to chime in as we usher in the New Year, anticipating this procedure and process will bring you many decades more.
    You have done an amazing thing with this personal blog, allowing so many of who care about you to feel a lot closer to you and your “adventure”. Thank you.
    Maybe there is that cosmic twist that had me recently start re-reading The Hobbit (Bobby bought if for me in England) around the time you started this blog (and before I knew about it- I don’t read very often, so the book will take me a while, and I want to see the last movie installment before reading the last portion!!).
    Keep your amazing wits and attitude the way you have, and we will be seeing a happy and healthy Jamie soon.

    Cuz Ken

  4. Just know you have been in my thoughts and prayers each day. So relieved this part over and hope the days to come will not be so difficult.
    Love you,

  5. Hi from the Heartland of America. It has been great talking with you as you undertake this fascinating journey. This is a blessing your body gets to start anew with a whole new blood supply. Keep your feet on the ground as you reach for the stars. JWK

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